Source code for jmspack.utils

r"""Submodule includes the following functions and classes:

- **silence_stdout():** A utility function used to stop other functions from printing to console (use with `with()`).

- **JmsColors:** a class containing useful colours according to Jms and functions to show these colors in various forms.

- **apply_scaling():** a utility function to be used in conjunction with pandas pipe() to scale columns of a data frame seperately.

- **flatten():** a utility function used to flatten a list of lists to a single list.

import os
import sys
from contextlib import (
)  # these three are needed to create the silence output function
from typing import Callable
from typing import Dict
from typing import Optional
from typing import Union

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

[docs]@contextmanager def silence_stdout(): """A utility function used to stop other functions from printing to console (use with `with()`). Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None Examples -------- >>> with silence_stdout(): ... print("This will not print to console") >>> print("This will print to console") """ new_target = open(os.devnull, "w") old_target = sys.stdout sys.stdout = new_target try: yield new_target finally: sys.stdout = old_target
[docs]class JmsColors: """Utility class for James Twose's color codes. Functions --------- - get_names(): returns a list of the color names e.g. [PURPLE, DARKBLUE, etc.] - to_dict(): returns a dictionary of format {color name: hexcode} - to_list(): returns a list of hexcodes - plot_colors(): returns a lineplot of all the available colours (like a color swatch) Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from jmspack.utils import JmsColors >>> x = np.linspace(0, 10, 100) >>> fig = plt.figure() >>> _ = plt.plot(x, np.sin(x), color=JmsColors.YELLOW) >>> _ = plt.plot(x, np.cos(x), color=JmsColors.DARKBLUE) """ PURPLE = "#8f0fd4" DARKBLUE = "#0072e8" BLUEGREEN = "#009cdc" GREENBLUE = "#00c7b1" GREENYELLOW = "#71db5c" YELLOW = "#fcdd14" DARKGREY = "#282d32" MEDIUMGREY = "#808080" LIGHTGREY = "#b1b1b1" OFFWHITE = "#d5d5d5"
[docs] @staticmethod def get_names(): """Returns a list of the color names e.g. [PURPLE, DARKBLUE, etc.]""" return [ k for k in JmsColors.__dict__.keys() if not k.startswith("__") and not callable(getattr(JmsColors, k)) ]
[docs] @staticmethod def to_dict(): """Returns a dictionary of format {color name: hexcode}""" return { k: v for k, v in JmsColors.__dict__.items() if not k.startswith("__") and not callable(getattr(JmsColors, k)) }
[docs] @staticmethod def to_list(): """Returns a list of hexcodes""" return [ v for k, v in JmsColors.__dict__.items() if not k.startswith("__") and not callable(getattr(JmsColors, k)) ]
[docs] @staticmethod def plot_colors(): """Returns a lineplot of all the available colours (like a color swatch)""" for i, c in enumerate(JmsColors.to_list()): _ = plt.title("Available Jms Colors") _ = plt.plot([1, 5], [i, i], color=c, linewidth=5)
[docs]def apply_scaling( df: pd.DataFrame, method: Union[str, Optional[Callable]] = "MinMax", kwargs: Dict = {}, ): r"""Utility function to be used in conjunction with pandas pipe() to scale columns of a data frame seperately. Parameters ---------- df: pd.DataFrame The data frame you want to scale. method: Callable, str The name of the method you wish to use [method options: "MinMax", "Standard"], or an Sklearn transformer, see: kwargs: Dict Dictionary containing additional keywords to be added to the Scaler. Returns ------- scal_df: pd.DataFrame The scaled data frame. Examples -------- >>> import seaborn as sns >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = sns.load_dataset("iris") >>> scaled_df = (df ... .select_dtypes("number") ... .pipe(apply_scaling) ... ) """ if method == "MinMax": scal_df = pd.DataFrame( MinMaxScaler(**kwargs).fit_transform(df), index=df.index, columns=df.columns, ) elif method == "Standard": scal_df = pd.DataFrame( StandardScaler(**kwargs).fit_transform(df), index=df.index, columns=df.columns, ) else: scal_df = pd.DataFrame( method(**kwargs).fit_transform(df), index=df.index, columns=df.columns # type: ignore ) return scal_df
[docs]def flatten(list_of_lists): r"""Utility function used to flatten a list of list into a single list. Parameters ---------- l: list A list of lists. Returns ------- list The flattened list. Examples -------- >>> from jmspack.utils import flatten >>> list_of_lists = [[f"p_{x}" for x in range(10)], ... [f"p_{x}" for x in range(10, 20)], ... [f"p_{x}" for x in range(20, 30)]] >>> flatten(list_of_lists) """ return [item for sublist in list_of_lists for item in sublist]